Low-cost production and sealing procedure of mechanical parts of a versatile 3D-printed perfusion chamber for digital holographic microscopy of primary neurons in culture
Proc. SPIE 10074, Quantitative Phase Imaging III, 100741S (2017)
Bélanger, E., Lévesque, S.A., Anctil, G., Poulin-Girard, A.-S., Marquet, P.
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Low-Cost Production of a Versatile 3D-Printed Perfusion Chamber for Quantitative Phase Imaging of Primary Neurons in Culture
Optics in the Life Sciences Congress, Optical Society of America, JTu4A.17 (2017)
Bélanger, E., Anctil, G., Poulin-Girard, A.-S., Marquet, P.
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The specificity of the familial aggregation of early-onset bipolar disorder: A controlled 10-year follow-up study of offspring of parents with mood disorders
J Affect Disord 190:26-33 (2015)
Preisig, M., Strippoli, M. P., Castelao, E., Merikangas, K. R., Gholam-Rezaee, M., Marquet, P., Aubry, J. M., Vandeleur, C. L.
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The shorter the better? A follow-up analysis of 10-session psychiatric treatment including the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship for borderline personality disorder
Psychother Res (2015)
Kramer, U., Stulz, N., Berthoud, L., Caspar, F., Marquet, P., Kolly, S., De Roten, Y., Despland, J.-N.
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Automated multi-parameter measurement of cardiomyocytes dynamics with digital holographic microscopy
Opt Express 23(10):13333-13347 (2015)
Rappaz, B., Moon, I., Yi, F., Javidi, B., Marquet, P., Turcatti, G.
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Assertive Anger Mediates Effects of Dialectical Behaviour-informed Skills Training for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Clin Psychol Psychot 23(3):189-202 (2015)
Kramer, U., Pascual-Leone, A., Berthoud, L., De Roten, Y., Marquet, P., Kolly, S., Despland, J.-N., Page, D.
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Review of quantitative phase-digital holographic microscopy: promising novel imaging technique to resolve neuronal network activity and identify cellular biomarkers of psychiatric disorders
Neurophotonics 1(2):020901 (2014)
Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J.
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Unpacking the effects of therapist responsiveness in borderline personality disorder: motive-oriented therapeutic relationship, patient in-session experience, and the therapeutic alliance
Psychother Psychosom 83(6):386-387 (2014)
Kramer, U., Flückiger, C., Kolly, S., Caspar, F., Marquet, P., Despland, J.-N., De Roten, Y.
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Review of quantitative phase-digital holographic microscopy: promising novel imaging technique to resolve neuronal network activity and identify cellular biomarkers of psychiatric disorders
Neurophotonics 1(2):020901 (2014)
Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J.
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Cell volume regulation monitored with combined epifluorescence and digital holographic microscopy
Methods Mol Biol 1254:21-32 (2014)
Pavillon, N., Marquet, P.
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Tacrolimus pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenetics along the calcineurin pathway in human lymphocytes
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Noceti, O. M., Woillard, J. B., Boumediene, A., Esperón, P., Taupin, J. L., Gerona, S., Valverde, M., Touriño, C., Marquet, P.
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High Throughput second harmonic imaging for label-free biological applications
Opt Express 22(25):31102-31112 (2014)
Macias-Romero, C., Didier, M., Delannoy, L., Andrea Weiss, A., Nowak-Sliwinska, P., Jourdain, P., Marquet, P., Magistretti, P. J., Dutto, F., Radenovic, A., Roke, S.
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Effects of motive-oriented therapeutic relationship in a ten-session general psychiatric treatment of borderline personality disorder: a randomized controlled trial
Psychol Psychosom 83(3):176-186 (2014)
Kramer, U., Kolly, S., Berthoud, L., Keller, S., Preisig, M., Caspar, F., Berger, T., De Roten, Y., Marquet, P., Despland, J.-N.
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Increased activation in Broca's area after cognitive remediation in schizophrenia
Psychiat Res (2014)
Vianin, P., Urben, S., Magistretti, P., Marquet, P., Fornari, E., Jaugey, L.
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The human CFTR protein expressed in CHO cells activates aquaporin-3 in a cAMP-dependent pathway: study by digital holographic microscopy
J Cell Sci 127:546-556 (2014)
Jourdain, P., Becq, F., Lengacher, S., Boinot, C., Magistretti, P. J., Marquet, P.
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Effects of hypotonic stress and ouabain on the apparent diffusion coefficient of water at cellular and tissue levels in Aplysia
NMR Biomed 27(3):280-90 (2014)
Jelescu, I. O., Ciobanu, L., Geffroy, F., Marquet, P., Le Bihan, D.
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Digital Holographic Microscopy: A New Imaging Technique to Quantitatively Explore Cell Dynamics with Nanometer Sensitivity
Multi-Dimensional Imaging, First Edition, John Wiley & Sons (2014)
Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Neural cell dynamics explored with digital holographic microscopy, review article
Annu Rev Biomed Eng 15:407-431 (2013)
Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J.
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Automated Quantitative Analysis of 3D Morphology and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin in Human RBCs Stored in Different Periods
Opt Express 21(25):30947-30957 (2013)
Moon, I., Yi, F., Javidi, B., Lee, Y. H., Boss, D., Marquet, P.
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Measurement of absolute cell volume and osmotic water membrane permeability by digital holographic microscopy
J Biomed Opt 18(3):036007 (2013)
Boss, D., Jourdain, P., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J., Marquet, P.
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Marker-free phase nanoscopy
Nat Photonics 7(2):113-117 (2013)
Cotte, Y., Toy, F., Jourdain, P., Pavillon, N., Boss, D., Magistretti, P. J., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Automated Segmentation of MultipleRed Blood Cells visualized by Digital Holographic Microscopy
J Biomed Opt 18(2):026006 (2013)
Yi, F., Moon, I., Javidi, B., Boss, D., Marquet, P.
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Label-free cytotoxicity screening assay by digital holographic microscopy
Assay Drug Dev Techn 11(2):101-107 (2013)
Kühn, J., Shaffer, E., Mena, J., Breton, B., Parent, J., Rappaz, B., Chambon, M., Emery, Y., Magistretti, P., Depeursinge, C., Marquet, P., Turcatti, G.
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Simultaneous Optical Recording in Multiple Cells by Digital Holographic Microscopy of Chloride Current Associated to Activation of the Ligand-Gated Chloride Channel GABAA Receptor
PLoS ONE 7(12) (2012)
Jourdain, P., Boss, D., Rappaz, B., Moratal, C., Hernandez, M. C., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J., Marquet, P.
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Automated statistical quantification of three-dimensional morphology and mean corpuscular hemoglobin of multiple red blood cells
Opt Express 20(9):10295-10309 (2012)
Moon, I., Javidi, B., Yi, F., Boss, D., Marquet, P.
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High b-value diffusion-weighted imaging: A sensitive method to reveal white matter differences in schizophrenia
Psychiat Res - Neuroim 201(2):144-151 (2012)
Baumann PS, Cammoun L, Conus P, Do K, Marquet P, Meskaldji D, Meuli R, Thiran J, Hagmann P.
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Spatially-resolved eigenmode decomposition of red blood cells membrane fluctuations questions the role of ATP in flickering
PLoS ONE 7(8) (2012)
Boss, D., Hoffmann, A., Rappaz, B., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J., Van de Ville, D., Marquet, P.
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Early cell death detection with digital holographic microscopy
PLoS ONE 7(1) (2012)
Pavillon, N., Kühn, J., Moratal, C., Jourdain, P., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J., Marquet, P.
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Measuring biophysical parameters of living cells with digital holographic microscopy
Biomedical Optical Phase Microscopy and Nanoscopy, First Edition, Academic Press (2012)
Rappaz, B., Depeursinge, C., Marquet, P.
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Quel rôle dans l'activité cérébrale?
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Jourdain, P., Magistretti, P., Marquet, P.
Determination of transmembrane water fluxes in neurons elicited by glutamate ionotropic receptors and by the cotransporters KCC2 and NKCC1: A digital holographic microscopy study
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Jourdain, P., Pavillon, N., Moratal, C., Boss, D., Rappaz, B., Depeursinge, C., *Marquet, P., *Magistretti, P. J.
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Quantitative phase restoration by direct inversion using the optical transfer function
Opt Lett 36(14):2671-2673 (2011)
Kou, S. S., Waller, L., Barbastathis, G., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C., Sheppard, C. J. R.
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Effects of motive-oriented therapeutic relationship in early-phase treatment of borderline personality disorder: A pilot study of a randomized trial
J Nerv Ment Dis 199(4):244-250 (2011)
Kramer, U., Berger, T., Kolly, S., Marquet, P., Preisig, M., De Roten, Y., Despland, J., Caspar, F.
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Recognition and classification of red blood cells using digital holographic microscopy and data clustering with discriminant analysis
J Opt Soc Am A 28(6):1204-1210 (2011)
Liu, R., Dey, D. K., Boss, D., Marquet, P., Javidi, B.
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Water movements associated with neuronal activity revealed by optical methods: focus on Digital Holographic Microscopy
Water - The forgotten Biological Molecule, Pan Stanford Publishing (2011)
Marquet, P., Jourdain, P., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J.
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The SYNAPSY project: Where psychiatrists and neuroscientists meet
Revue Médicale Suisse 7(309):1818-1823 (2011)
Conus, P., Preisig, M., Aubry, J. M., Marquet, P., Malafosse, A., Dayer, A., Baumann, P.
Label-free second-harmonic phase imaging of biological specimen by digital holographic microscopy
Opt Lett 35(24):4102-4104 (2010)
Shaffer, E., Moratal, C., Magistretti, P., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Physical interpretation of the phase function related parameter γ studied with a fractal distribution of spherical scatterers
Opt Express 18(23):23664-23675 (2010)
Chamot, S., Migacheva, E., Seydoux, O., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Real time, nanometric 3D-tracking of nanoparticles made possible by second harmonic generation digital holographic microscopy
Opt Express 18(16):17392-17403 (2010)
Shaffer, E., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Cell morphology and intracellular ionic homeostasis explored with a multimodal approach combining epifluorescence and digital holographic microscopy
J Biophotonics 3(7):432-436 (2010)
Pavillo, N., Benke, A., Boss, D., Moratal, C., Kühn, J., Jourdain, P., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J., Marquet, P.
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Application of Digital Holographic Microscopy in Biomedicine
Handbook of Biomedical Optics, CRC Press (2010)
Depeursinge, C., Marquet, P., Pavillon, N., Boad, D. A.
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Water and neurons MRI diffusion, brain mapping and brief psychiatric perspectives
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Baumann, P. S., Hagmann, P., Marquet, P., Conus, P.
Noninvasive characterization of the fission yeast cell cycle by monitoring dry mass with digital holographic microscopy
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Rappaz, B., Cano, E., Colomb, T., Kühn, J., Depeursinge, C., Simanis, V., Magistretti, P. J., Marquet, P.
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Spatial analysis of erythrocyte membrane fluctuations by digital holographic microscopy
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Rappaz, B., Barbul, A., Hoffmann, A., Boss, D., Korenstein, R., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J., Marquet, P.
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Submicrometer tomography of cells by multiple-wavelength digital holographic microscopy in reflection
Opt Lett 34(5):653-655 (2009)
Kühn, J., Montfort, F., Colomb, T., Rappaz, B., Moratal, C., Pavillon, N., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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La dépendance à l'alcool : guide de traitement combiné
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Daeppen, J.-B., Albrecht, A., Berdoz, D., Borloz, R., Dunker Scheuner, D., Fortini, C., Lopez, J., Marquet, P., Morandi S.
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Comparative study of human erythrocytes by digital holographic microscopy, confocal microscopy, and impedance volume analyzer
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Rappaz, B., Barbul, A., Emery, Y., Korenstein, R., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J., Marquet, P.
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Simultaneous cell morphometry and refractive index measurement with dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy and dye-enhanced dispersion of perfusion medium
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Rappaz, B., Charrière, F., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J., Marquet, P.
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Axial sub-nanometer accuracy in digital holographic microscopy
Meas Sci Technol 19(7) (2008)
Kühn, J., Charrière, F., Colomb, T., Cuche, E., Montfort, F., Emery, Y., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Cellular Dynamics Revealed by Digital Holographic Microscopy
The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, First Edition, Elsevier (2008)
Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Amplitude point-spread function measurement of high-NA microscope objectives by digital holographic microscopy
Opt Lett 32(16):2456-2458 (2007)
Charrière, F., Marian, A., Colomb, T., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Influence of shot noise on phase measurement accuracy in digital holographic microscopy
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Charrièr, F., Rappaz, B., Kühn, J., Colomb, T., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Real-time dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy with a single hologram acquisition
Opt Express 15(12):7231-7242 (2007)
Kuhn, J., Colomb, T., Montfort, F., Charrière, F., Emery, Y., Cuche, E., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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On the complex three-dimensional amplitude point spread function of lenses and microscope objectives: Theoretical aspects, simulations and measurements by digital holography
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Marian, A., Charrière, F., Colomb, T., Montfort, F., Kühn, J., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Numerical parametric lens for shifting, magnification, and complete aberration compensation in digital holographic microscopy
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Colomb, T., Montfort, F., Kühn, J., Aspert, N., Cuche, E., Marian, A., Charrière, F., Bourquin, S., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Submicrometer optical tomography by multiple-wavelength digital holographic microscopy
Appl Optics 45(32):8209-8217 (2006)
Montfor, F., Colomb, T., Charrière, F., Kühn, J., Marquet, P., Cuche, E., Herminjard, S., Depeursinge, C.
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Purely numerical compensation for microscope objective phase curvature in digital holographic microscopy: Influence of digital phase mask position
J Opt Soc Am A 23(11):2944-2953 (2006)
Montfort, F., Charrière, F., Colomb, T., Cuche, E., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Shot-noise influence on the reconstructed phase image signal-to-noise ratio in digital holographic microscopy
Appl Optics 45(29):7667-7673 (2006)
Charrière, F., Colomb, T., Montfort, F., Cuche, E., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Living specimen tomography by digital holographic microscopy: Morphometry of testate amoeba
Opt Express 14(16):7005-7013 (2006)
Charrière, F., Pavillon, N., Colomb, T., Depeursinge, C., Heger, T. J., Mitchell, E. A. D., Marquet, P., Rappaz, B.
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Total aberrations compensation in digital holographic microscopy with a reference conjugated hologram
Opt Express 14(10):4300-4306 (2006)
Colomb, T., Kühn, J., Charrière, F., Depeursinge, C., Marquet, P., Aspert, N.
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Characterization of microlenses by digital holographic microscopy
Appl Optics 45(5):829-835 (2006)
Charrière, F., Kühn, J., Colomb, T., Montfort, F., Cuche, E., Emery, Y., Weible, K., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Cell refractive index tomography by digital holographic microscopy
Opt Lett 31(2):178-180 (2006)
Charrière, F., Marian, A., Montfort, F., Kuehn, J., Colomb, T., Cuche, E., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Automatic procedure for aberration compensation in digital holographic microscopy and applications to specimen shape compensation
Appl Optics 45(5):851-863 (2006)
Colomb, T., Cuche, E., Charrière, F., Kühn, J., Aspert, N., Montfort, F., Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Measurement of the integral refractive index and dynamic cell morphometry of living cells with digital holographic microscopy
Opt Express 13(23):9361-9373 (2005)
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Polarization microscopy by use of digital holography: Application to optical-fiber birefringence measurements
Appl Optics 44(21):4461-4469 (2005)
Colomb, T., Dürr, F., Cuche, E., Marquet, P., Limberger, H. G., Salathé, R., Depeursinge, C.
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Digital holographic microscopy: A noninvasive contrast imaging technique allowing quantitative visualization of living cells with subwavelength axial accuracy
Opt Lett 30(5):468-470 (2005)
Marquet, P., Rappaz, B., Magistretti, P. J., Cuche, E., Emery, Y., Colomb, T., Depeursinge, C.
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Time-domain optical coherence tomography with digital holographic microscopy
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Jones vector imaging by use of digital holography: Simulation and experimentation
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In vivo endoscopic tissue diagnostics based on spectroscopic absorption, scattering, and phase function properties
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Pertinence of a cognitive remediation program for young schizophrenic patients: The hypothesis of synaptic plasticity
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Digital Holographic Microscopy applied to biological cells observations
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Polarization imaging by use of digital holography
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Digital Holographic Microscopy in biology and medicine: A new tool to investigate cells and tissues at the submicron level
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Aperture apodization using cubic spline interpolation: Application in digital holographic microscopy
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A quantitative analysis of L-glutamate-regulated Na+ dynamics in mouse cortical astrocytes: Implications for cellular bioenergetics
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Spatial filtering for zero-order and twin-image elimination in digital off-axis holography
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Simultaneous amplitude-contrast and quantitative phase-contrast microscopy by numerical reconstruction of Fresnel off-axis holograms
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In vivo local determination of tissue optical properties: Applications to human brain
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Role of tissue structure in photon migration through breast tissues
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Determination of reduced scattering and absorption coefficients by a single charge-coupled-device array measurement, part II: measurements on biological tissues
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Determination of reduced scattering and absorption coefficients by a single charge-coupled-device array measurement, part I: comparison between experiments and simulations
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