• The human CFTR protein expressed in CHO cells activates aquaporin-3 in a cAMP-dependent pathway: study by digital holographic microscopy
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  • Measurement of absolute cell volume and osmotic water membrane permeability by digital holographic microscopy
    J Biomed Opt 18(3):036007 (2013)
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  • Marker-free phase nanoscopy
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  • Automated Segmentation of MultipleRed Blood Cells visualized by Digital Holographic Microscopy
    J Biomed Opt 18(2):026006 (2013)
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  • Label-free cytotoxicity screening assay by digital holographic microscopy
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  • Automated statistical quantification of three-dimensional morphology and mean corpuscular hemoglobin of multiple red blood cells
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  • Measuring biophysical parameters of living cells with digital holographic microscopy
    Biomedical Optical Phase Microscopy and Nanoscopy, First Edition, Academic Press (2012)
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  • Recognition and classification of red blood cells using digital holographic microscopy and data clustering with discriminant analysis
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  • Label-free second-harmonic phase imaging of biological specimen by digital holographic microscopy
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  • Application of Digital Holographic Microscopy in Biomedicine
    Handbook of Biomedical Optics, CRC Press (2010)
    Depeursinge, C., Marquet, P., Pavillon, N., Boad, D. A.
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  • Noninvasive characterization of the fission yeast cell cycle by monitoring dry mass with digital holographic microscopy
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  • Spatial analysis of erythrocyte membrane fluctuations by digital holographic microscopy
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  • Comparative study of human erythrocytes by digital holographic microscopy, confocal microscopy, and impedance volume analyzer
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  • Cellular Dynamics Revealed by Digital Holographic Microscopy
    The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, First Edition, Elsevier (2008)
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  • Living specimen tomography by digital holographic microscopy: Morphometry of testate amoeba
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  • Measurement of the integral refractive index and dynamic cell morphometry of living cells with digital holographic microscopy
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  • Digital holographic microscopy: A noninvasive contrast imaging technique allowing quantitative visualization of living cells with subwavelength axial accuracy
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    Marquet, P., Rappaz, B., Magistretti, P. J., Cuche, E., Emery, Y., Colomb, T., Depeursinge, C.
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  • In vivo endoscopic tissue diagnostics based on spectroscopic absorption, scattering, and phase function properties
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  • Digital Holographic Microscopy applied to biological cells observations
    European Miscroscopy Society Year Book, p.46-58 (2003)
    Depeursinge, C., Cuche, E., Colomb, T., Dahlgren, P., Marian, A., Montfort, F., Marquet, P., Magistretti, P. J.
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  • Digital Holographic Microscopy in biology and medicine: A new tool to investigate cells and tissues at the submicron level
    IFMBE News (2002)
    Depeursinge, C., Cuche, E., Colomb, T., Dahlgren, P., Marian, A., Montfort, F., Marquet, P., Magistretti, P.
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