Digital Holographic Microscopy: A New Imaging Technique to Quantitatively Explore Cell Dynamics with Nanometer Sensitivity
Multi-Dimensional Imaging, First Edition, John Wiley & Sons (2014)
Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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Measuring biophysical parameters of living cells with digital holographic microscopy
Biomedical Optical Phase Microscopy and Nanoscopy, First Edition, Academic Press (2012)
Rappaz, B., Depeursinge, C., Marquet, P.
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Water movements associated with neuronal activity revealed by optical methods: focus on Digital Holographic Microscopy
Water - The forgotten Biological Molecule, Pan Stanford Publishing (2011)
Marquet, P., Jourdain, P., Depeursinge, C., Magistretti, P. J.
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Application of Digital Holographic Microscopy in Biomedicine
Handbook of Biomedical Optics, CRC Press (2010)
Depeursinge, C., Marquet, P., Pavillon, N., Boad, D. A.
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La dépendance à l'alcool : guide de traitement combiné
Coll. Formation permanente, Lavoisier Médecine Sciences (2009)
Daeppen, J.-B., Albrecht, A., Berdoz, D., Borloz, R., Dunker Scheuner, D., Fortini, C., Lopez, J., Marquet, P., Morandi S.
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Cellular Dynamics Revealed by Digital Holographic Microscopy
The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, First Edition, Elsevier (2008)
Marquet, P., Depeursinge, C.
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